The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

But whom He has predestinated, these also He has called; and whom He has called, these also He has justified; but whom He has justified, these also He has glorified. Romans 8:30 JND

God’s Call (4)—The Effective Call to Blessing

The first expression in our verse, predestinated, took place in eternity past, and likewise the last expression, glorified, takes us into eternity to come. In between we have God’s present dealing with His people today.

The word predestinated means to be marked out for blessing. In election God chooses people for blessing. In predestination, He chooses the blessings to be given to His elect. These both belong to His secret counsels, but He has revealed the blessings to us, as in Ephesians 1. Here in Romans 8, we are told that those who have been predestinated for blessing, God has called. This is illustrated by His call to Adam, “Where are you?” How does He call today? By the gospel. In this passage, the call is effective, in other words there are none in this verse who are called who do not respond. The called ones are then justified. A wonderful blessing! Not only is the slate cleared of our sins, but God Himself declares His called ones (believers) to be righteous! He sees us, like the returned prodigal, no longer in our filthy rags, but clothed in the best robe of His own providing. We have a divine righteousness, God’s righteousness, which is given to us when we respond to His call. We also see this illustrated with the skins with which Jehovah Himself clothed Adam and Eve after their fall in the garden. Another had to die in their place. In the picture it was an animal; but for us it was the Son of God Himself. Amazing grace!

Then we are told that those whom He has justified He also has glorified. We may not always feel very glorified! But in God’s thought, it is already accomplished. We wait for the Lord’s soon return when our bodies will be changed and glorified.

Kevin Quartell