Naomi had a relation of her husband’s, a mighty man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech, and his name was Boaz. Ruth 2:1 JND
Boaz as a kinsman is a lovely type of Christ. Christ was able to do the part of the near kinsman in His death and resurrection. Two things come out in Christ the Savior: He is the full revelation of God, and He is a perfect Man too. There is a Man who can deliver you from the lake of fire, a Man who can bring you in righteousness to God, “a mighty man of wealth,” and His name, His peerless name, is Jesus.
He was rich. He had everything. He was the eternal Son, the very delight of God, and in the grace of His heart He passed angels by, came into this world, and, oh, marvel of marvels, He who was God became a Man that He might rescue you. The first man, Adam, in his pride, tried to become as God, and he became a sinner. But listen! He who was God became a Man in the grace and love of His heart, in order that He might die and deliver you from the power of sin and Satan, and bring you in righteousness to God. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9 nkjv). Oh, would you not like to have Christ? You say, “I am so poor.” Yes, but He is rich, this mighty Man of wealth!
Would you not like that there should be a link between your soul and this mighty Man of wealth? All that God is He showed in His life, as Man on earth. All that the first man is was fully met by His cross when He took upon Him, as Substitute, all the sin and guilt; then, by dying, swept it all away, rose again, and went to heaven as Man. He perfectly manifested God to man down here, and now He perfectly manifests man to God up there.