The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

His eyes are like doves by the water-brooks, washed with milk, fitly set. Song of Songs 5:12 JND

The Bridegroom and the Bride (5)

When the bride in the Song of Songs was asked by the daughters of Jerusalem what distinguished her Beloved from others, she had no difficulty speaking of His unique qualities. In the verse quoted above, she spoke of His eyes. The eyes express the inner feelings of a person, whether feelings of love and compassion or of hatred and anger. No one can see what is in somebody’s eyes unless one comes close to him. She has gazed long enough at the face of her Bridegroom to see and know what His eyes express.

How much we miss by not gazing at the beauties and glories of our beloved Lord and Savior! She likens His eyes to “doves by the water-brooks.” What a scene of peace and purity! His eyes looked upon the multitudes “with compassion for them, because they were harassed, and cast away as sheep not having a shepherd” (Mt. 9:36).

The first thing she had said in describing her Beloved was His whiteness, His purity. The white color appears again in her description: His eyes being “washed with milk.” No wonder His exhortation to every one of us is, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” “Fitly set,” He beholds us always with the same love. As we read about this perfect Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the four Gospels, we find that His eyes were never affected by the temptations and attractions of this world. Satan offered Him the kingdoms of the world and their glory, but He ordered Satan to depart. He knew why He came and at the hour of severe trial, He said, “The cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?” (Jn. 18:11). Neither earthly glory nor severe trials could sway Him. “When the days of His receiving up were fulfilled … He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem” (Lk. 9:51) He knew what awaited Him there. Is it any wonder that she loves Him?

A. M. Behnam