The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. Romans 8:7 NKJV
There is no such thing as mending the flesh by even one atom. In innocence it broke down; without law it is grossly and horribly ignorant; under law, rebellious, not subject, neither could be. Bring in grace, and it spits in the face of the One who brings it in; put the Holy Spirit in a man, and the flesh lusts against the Spirit; put a man in the third heaven, and when he comes down the flesh will be puffed up about it (2 Cor. 12:7). The flesh is the same all the way down.
We never can excuse ourselves. If we are foolish enough to leave an open door, Satan will come in. There may be a moment when I am not able to overcome the flesh, when it cannot be checked. Why so? I have been neglecting prayer, or reading the Word of God, or have been careless in some way, and then when the enemy comes, there is no power to meet him, and I am overcome. If I am walking carelessly I shall reap the consequences.
Here is the difference, and it is a very real one. Suppose I am not walking in the Spirit so that my conscience is not good; when I get into the presence of God, and have to think of myself, I am ashamed. I am not thinking of Him, and am forced to think about myself in the way of self-judgment—and it is well He does make me think about myself in self-judgment. But if I am walking without the least thing on my conscience, I do not think of myself, but am free to be occupied with Christ. It is not that the flesh is any better at any time. I am practically purged and have a good conscience, and when I come into God’s presence I can let my heart out; and this is great blessedness: it is communion. That is where the real difference lies between a man who is walking in the power of the Word of God and in constant dependence, and one who is not.