The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh … Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:16–17 NKJV

A New Creation—Not According to the Flesh

Christ is no longer bodily among us in this world, and because we also now live in connection with Him, a new order of things has come in. Even Christ Himself is known by us in a new way. Paul had not been among those who knew Christ “according to flesh” in the days of His flesh. But even if he had been, he would have known Him thus no longer. But also we know no man after the flesh.

As newly created in Christ we find ourselves in a new world. We are not there yet as regards our bodies. That awaits the coming of the Lord. But we are there as regards our minds and spirits. Even today our spirits move amid things totally new, things utterly unknown in our unconverted days; also even the old things of this present creation, among which we move, are viewed by us in a new way.

This truth needs to be thoroughly digested by all of us. How much difficulty arises among Christians because they know and have dealings with one another according to flesh, on the old basis and after the manner of the world. Then it is the easiest and most natural thing possible to drop into parties and cliques, to have our likes and dislikes, to be tremendously friendly with this or that fellow believer until some disagreement arises, when an equally tremendous antagonism breaks out. All that kind of thing, even the friendship and the pleasantry and the apparent concord, rests on a wrong basis. It is according to flesh, and not according to new creation and the Spirit of God. If all saints knew one another upon the new basis, what a transformation would come over the aspect of things that at present prevails in the Church of God.

F. B. Hole