The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7 NKJV

Salvation Even in Judgment

This wonderful verse sits in the middle of three chapters of fierce judgment against Nineveh. Nahum is called of the Lord to prophesy judgment on the very people who repented when Jonah had reluctantly preached to them. But time had passed and the people of Nineveh had gone back to their wicked ways. In the first chapter we read of the declaration of judgment, in chapter 2 of the power of judgment, and in chapter 3 of the finality of such judgment. Three chapters of judgment all in this book!

But our verse stands out like a lighthouse beaming hope into the dark night for all those who pass by! In this one verse we see three things. First, we read of the goodness of God. This might not be what we would bring out; we might have declared, the Lord is Holy or the Lord is great, but Nahum announces the goodness of the Lord! The Lord is good intrinsically, ethically, morally, and practically. The psalmist would remind us that the Lord is good and does good (Ps. 119:68). This goodness of God was displayed throughout the life of the Lord Jesus when He went about doing every manner of good (Acts 10:38).

The second and third points of Nahum’s message are clear. The Lord is able to save those who turn to Him from the severity of judgment that was soon to fall on Nineveh. Nahum could declare, even in judgment, that the Lord is good because He is a strong tower for all who come trusting Him.

Just as judgment came to Nineveh, it is coming to all mankind. Today there is a lighthouse beaming out the gospel of God’s grace, shining forth, “God Loves You!” He has provided a way of salvation at the cross of Jesus Christ. All who come to Him and confess their sin will be saved! He knows those who trust in Him.

Tim Hadley, Sr.