What is thy beloved more than another beloved, thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us? Song of Songs 5:9 JND
Solomon wrote the three books that follow the Psalms. In the first, Proverbs, he uses the title “Lord.” In the second, Ecclesiastes, he speaks of “God,” but in the third, The Song of Songs, he uses only the pronoun “He.” Yet in all of these Solomon was speaking of the same Person, the Lord God, Jehovah Elohim, who is Jesus our Lord. The Song of Songs opens with the statement, “Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth.” Here neither Jehovah (Lord) nor Elohim (God) would have been suitable.
The main persons in the Song of Songs are He, the Bridegroom, she, the bride, and the daughters of Jerusalem. The daughters of Jerusalem ask the question quoted above. They want to know why the bride is adjuring them. Having been persecuted in her attachment to her Beloved, and yet persevering in wanting to be with Him, she proved that persecution did not diminish her love to Him. She had been beaten, wounded, and humiliated (v. 7), yet she still has one desire: to be with Him.
Such love and loyalty to the Lord will never go unnoticed. The daughters of Jerusalem were intrigued, first by her unique beauty, for she was not just beautiful but was the fairest among women. Notice that the same writer, Solomon, speaking of physical beauty, states that charm is deceptive and beauty is vain, but godliness is the beauty that is to be praised (Prov. 31:30). Secondly, they were impressed by her true devotion to her Beloved. What do people notice about us? An attachment to riches, or a willingness to suffer for Christ’s sake? Is fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ worth the loss of all things? May our life be such that others may want to know our beloved Lord!