Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: “Who am I, O Lord God?” 2 Samuel 7:18 NKJV
What was the effect of the Lord’s promises upon the heart of David? We have the answer in that one pithy statement: “Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: ‘Who am I?’” Mark the attitude, and ponder the question. They are full of deep meaning. “He sat.” This is rest and sweet repose. He wanted to go to work too soon. No, says God, you must sit down and look at My work, and trace My actings on your behalf in the past, the present, and the future.
And then the question, “Who am I?” In this we see the blessed fact that self was for the moment lost sight of. It was flung into the shade by the luster of divine revelation. Self and its poor little actings were set aside by the glory of God and the rich magnificence of His actings on behalf of His servant.
Now, some might have thought that David was an active, useful man when he was rising to take the trowel to build the house; and they might have thought him a good-for-nothing man to be sitting still when there was work to be done. But, let us remember that God’s thoughts are not as our thoughts. He prizes our worship much more highly than our work. Indeed, it is only the true and intelligent worshiper that can be a true and intelligent workman. No doubt God most graciously accepts our poor services, even stamped as they so often are with mistakes of all sorts. But when it becomes a question of the comparative value of service and worship, the former must give place to the latter; and we know that when our brief span of working time shall have expired, our eternity of worship shall begin. Sweet thought!