The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

For we are a sweet odor of Christ to God, in the saved and in those that perish: to the one an odor from death unto death, but to the others an odor from life unto life. 2 Corinthians 2:15–16 JND

Life Unto Life

A year or so before Paul wrote these words, he sent his first letter to the Corinthians to correct serious wrongdoing that had gone unchecked among them. He did this for the glory of God and in love for them. He was anxious to know their reaction. He had written the letter with tears, and he followed it with fears (2 Cor. 2:4; 7:5). May we cultivate this spirit in our dealings with one another. He was so anxious that he sent Titus to visit them and report back. What joy to meet him in Macedonia and learn that for the most part the Corinthians had repented without rancor (2:13; 7:6–7).

He leaves the disruption of his gospel service with God, thanking Him for always leading him and his fellow preachers “in triumph in the Christ” and spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ through them wherever they went (2:14). Because of this they were fragrant with Christ to God Himself (v. 15), but to those who refused the Savior’s death as the sacrifice for their sins, the fragrance was “from death unto death”—the second death (Rev. 21:8).

Happily, there were those who believed on Christ as the One who died and rose again for their justification (Rom. 4:25). To these the fragrance was “from life unto life,” for the Lord had said to His disciples, “because I live ye also shall live” (Jn. 14:19). Indeed, “the wages of sin is death; but the act of favor of God, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).

Simon Attwood

Oh, name of sweet savor, a savor of rest,
The name of the Victim, the Lamb that was slain!
Oh, name of God’s loved One in whom we are blest!
Oh, name ever worthy all homage to gain!

Miss Catherine Helene von Poseck